Booking conditions
The booking is accepted by the hotel operators by phone
+7 (495) 150 41 51, +7 (495) 150 41 21 or by e-mail at
The booking request must contain the following information:
Surnames, names and patronymics of persons;
Date of birth;
Room category;
Name of additional services;
Check in / check out period.
After acceptance of the booking request by the reservation agent, a guest recieves a preliminary confirmation of the booking via e-mail or telefone.
Sending confirmation to the guest is carried out by the reservation agent on the following terms: on the working day - no later than 24 hours after receiving the application, on weekends and official holidays - not later than the first business day following the weekend or public holiday.
The guest has the right to change the number of purchased services, re-register services to other persons, change the category of rooms.